We sell farm fresh, pasture raised eggs for eating from our lovely heritage hens! The girls lay a wide variety of colors, and we do our best to include white, blue, green, beige, brown, chocolate, and speckled eggs in each carton. The range of color does vary by season as some breeds lay more persistently, depending on the season. Duck eggs come in shades of white, light green, and grey.
Our hens are fed a complete, locally milled diet and are given oyster shell to build strong shells. Each day, except for the dead of winter, we let the ladies out to range on over 5 acres of pasture and our orchard for any bugs, seeds, and plants they can find. Hens managed on pasture lay eggs with firm whites and richly colored & flavored yolks. We regularly have customers comment that our eggs are some of the best they’ve ever tasted!
Eggs are collected daily, washed by hand, and are kept refrigerated.
On-Farm Pricing – Chicken Eggs $3.50/dozen for mediums $5.00/dozen for larges $5.50/dozen for extra-larges $6.50/dozen for jumbos $5.00/flat of 30 peewees & smalls